S'mores Protein Balls and A Healthy S'mores Milkshake

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I hate camping.

And I know your thinking that it's probably because I am a pretty pretty princess that doesn't like to get dirt underneath my nails.

So true.

But I also have been traumatized, thus the main reason why you won't find me in the woods, pitchin' a tent, eatin' beef jerky..

You see when I was of the ages 12-18 my mother so kindly forced me to attend church girls camp. Now, let me say, before I had ever attended, at the age of 12, I was BEYOND excited to go. I loved the idea of hanging out with my gal pals for a week, talking boys, hiking, and playing games.

Truth be told, I don't think I really knew what camping really was.

You see, there were no "tents" my first year of girls camp. No "mattresses," not even ones full with air. There were no showers, or toilets that involved flushing, and there definitely wasn't running water to wash our faces or brush our teeth.

(Water bottles are very versatile my friends.)

Frostbite was in the corner of my mind as I tried to fall asleep everynight, but that didn't seem to bother me as much as the bats that came screaming into our tent through out the night, probably chasing the mice that ran across our floor. Do bats eat mice? I dunno, but I am pretty sure they like moths. Moths the size of Baby Boo's head.

And just because I am deathly afraid of creepy crawlers, and flying freak shows, doesn't mean I forgot about the wardrobe. Each group was given a color to go along with, and some how my group always got stuck with the colors of pee pee & poo poo, while other girls who were sans acne and beautiful even though they hadn't showered in days, got lucky enough to wear the pinks, and greens. I guess it didn't bother me too much that I was blending in with dirt and bear droppings, because I was just so grateful boys weren't allowed at camp.

But I don't think that frostbite, dirty faces, and poop were all that bad, until I had my first camp breakfast "meal." Eggs and red jello definitely don't sit right when you have to complete your first 5 mile hike an hour later. Trust me folks, even a continental breakfast from the Holiday Inn with packaged muffins, and fake eggs would have tasted ALOT better. But I seemed to even let THAT pass, as I thought about campfire Smore's.

Smore's are my favorite. I didn't care how many horrible camp songs I had to sit through, as long as I was eating a burnt marshmallow off a wire hanger, keep on singing "NOAH HE BUILT AN ARKY ARKY" in my ear, because I am at peace with my smore's.

And some how, I think, If they would have just had more SmoRe'S...

I probably wouldn't be as traumatized.

Smore Schmalls


3/4 cup cashews

2 grahm crackers (minus high fructose corn syrup)

5 chopped dates

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/3-1/2 cup marshmallows

2 heaping TB chocolate chips


1. Using a food processor, process cashews till fine crumbs. Then add crackers until fine crumbs.

2. Next process dates into mixture, until dates become finely chopped. Then add vanilla and marshmallows. Process until mixture becomes somewhat "wet" and thicker crumbles appear. Then process chocolate chips until they seem to have been chopped up.

Mixture should look like so when done:

You want it chunky and crumbly, but when you mush mixture together, it will stick.

4. Form into schmalls and store in freezer.

My husband and I have been munching on these all weekend. They are such a sweet treat/craving cures.

Somehow, I think that 5 miler hike would have been much easier with these schmalls in my faney pack.

Yes, that's right...A faney pack and a bear droppings color shirt.

Ok, so I didn't stop with these schmalls.

Schmalls are very versatile.

You see, life wouldn't be complete with out a Green Drink...

Smores Green Drink


1 1/4 cup non dairy milk (something creamy like soy, coconut, or hemp)

1 1/2 cups spinach

1 frozen banana

1 1/2 smore schmalls



1. Blend all together in a blender until smooth and creamy.

Somehow I strongly believe this would be a MUCH better breakfast selection than eggs and red jello.

Although if it was green jello....

Scratch that.

Ok, so I didn't stop there...


I wanted to go further than I have ever gone before.

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite foods on earth...

Smores Milk Shake


2 frozen bananas

4-5 coconut milk ice cubes

2 large smore schmalls

splash of coconut milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla (optional)


1. In a high powered blender or food processor, blend bananas until creamy, then add coconut ice cubs, and process until creamy, like so:

2. Then add in schmalls and process until combined.

3. Pour in a glass and slurp away into dream land...

I love these because they are SOO easy to make! ONLY 3 ingredients!

What are those cups you ask?

It's frozen coconut milk of coarse! It's what you use when you don't own ice cube trays.

I know I know..

I learned it at girls camp.

Now, these probably won't taste like your regular milk shake at Wendy's, but your doing body a HUGE favor by slurping one of these bad boys. These have healthy fats, minimal sugar, and tons of nutrients!

If only I would have come up with this when I was prego and craving a milk shake every 3-4 hours. I probably wouldn't still be trying to loose a few.

Now, I know your thinking that I would probably never even consider sending Baby Boo to girls camp for fear of torment or poop colored shirts, but as I was photographing this milkshake in the rain this morning, I thought about all the good memories I have and the important lessons I learned.

And then as the sun began to shine through I realized that girls camp had nearly taught me the most valuable lesson of them all. Valuable enough that I think my own daughter should benefit from it as well..

Marry someone who hates camping just as much as you.

White Chocolate Pretzel Peanut Butter

Everything else is going to be just not of an importance to you.

Because the recipe I am about to share...will most likely change your life.

And although I say that often...


the recipe that changed everything...

I really mean it this time.

So even though I really want to share with you the fact that if life were like the movie Toy Story, then Tickle Me Elmo would probably not be as loyal to Baby Boo as Woody or Buzz Lightyear was to Andy...


(I mean, I'm just WaItIn' for that little laughing fire ball to shout, "ha ha ha...ha ha ha...NOT FUNNY!")

And although it's NOT FUNNY that I drag out probably the greatest thing that you will ever eat in your life...

You should know that at first I wasn't going to share this life changing recipe with you.

For starters, I had just posted a "live a little," recipe, and right after that posted a grass colored smoothie that had carrots in it.

Call me crazy, but I was concerned people were gonna start thinking that all I do is eat chocolate and drink green drinks...

And although that might be right

But then as I watched Baby Boo tickle Elmo to the point of "Shaken Elmo Syndrome," I realized that life is about having fun...

And if I just so happened to post another "live a little" recipe then I knew you would most likely forgive me.

If not?...Then maybe I should introduce you to Baby Boo's friend Elmo.

Tickled Peanut Butter


1 1/2 cups roasted peanuts, unsalted/lightly salted

1/2 cup melted white chocolate

1/2 cup small chopped pretzles

1/4 cup (heaping) finely shredded coconut

1 TB melted coconut oil


You cold probably use pre-made store bought peanut butter. Just use the all natural kind that just includes peanut butter. (no additives like sugar and oil.)


1. In a food processor, add your peanuts, and blend until creamy. (If using store bought PB, just mix all the ingredients together minus the oil.)

2. Scrape down sides, and add oil. Blend.

3. Scrape down sides again, and add melted chocolate.

4. Remove peanut butter from processor and pour into bowl.

5. Stir in pretzels and coconut.

6. Keep in air tight container.

You WILL thank me for this recipe =]

I figured it was best to chop up some greens to dip into this snack...

I soon realized a spoon just did a much better job.

Here is the PB in a little different lighting:

Yup..still life changing.

Stay tuned for tomorrow.

I am going to try and convince you that I have the most amazing life changing recipe for a Quinoa Burger...

Don't believe me on this one.

Ask Elmo...He's tickled about this one!

Chocolate Avocado Pudding

About a year ago, before Baby Boo came into our lives, I used to spend evenings cooking and baking away in the kitchen trying to kill time while my Hubby studied his little heart out for school.

Occasionally I would experiment with different ingredients, and when Hubby got home I would test them out on him. A lot of times he would humor me as I tried to force feed him black bean brownies, but I knew that if he didn't like it, NO body would.

Then one day I stumbled upon a recipe. A recipe like no other. I wasn't to fond of this kind of food, and I didn't really know what to expect, but the ingredients sounded AMAZING. I knew I had to try it. So that day I did just that. I went to the store, got my ingredients, threw it together, tasted it...and fell on the floor.


I couldn't believe something could taste so good.

Later that night my Hubby's friends were coming over and I KNEW I just HAD to share it with them. They too were a little skeptical since I had already tried to feed them Vegan Cookies the last time they came over, but I knew that if they just tasted ONE bite...they would be in love.

When they walked into our house I told them I had made something, and I wanted them to tell me what they thought. They looked at me a little frightened and said, "what's in it?"(Oddly I always get that kind of response when I cook something for someone) I told them to just try it, and they so kindly did.

They took one bite...

Then they took another...

Then they looked at me in amazement, and licked their bowls clean.

It was love at first sight.

And to this day, they still talk about it.

So what is this most delicious recipe that I have talked so much of??

Meet Chocolate Pudding



Now I know a lot of you may not like pudding. I would say it isn't the dessert of "choice" for many, but you are going to really have to trust me on this one.

I feel like I am always saying that.

Anyways. The ingredients may shock you, as they did to me. But it makes this dish all the more enticing and amazing.

For starters,



peanut butter. You can NEVER go wrong with peanut butter...

in my eyes at least =]

Now the second ingredient may surprise you,





Just trust me...

Chocolate Pudding

1/4 cup Peanut Butter

1/3 cup Agave Nectar

1/8 cup Cocoa Powder

1 Medium Avocado

1 Tablespoon coconut oil

1 tsp. Vanilla

Dash of Salt

recipe adapted from Fitnessista




Throw all ingredients into food processor or high speed blender. Mix until combined and creamy.

It really is that simple..

Another reason why you should make this..ummm...



