White Chocolate Pretzel Peanut Butter

Everything else is going to be just not of an importance to you.

Because the recipe I am about to share...will most likely change your life.

And although I say that often...


the recipe that changed everything...

I really mean it this time.

So even though I really want to share with you the fact that if life were like the movie Toy Story, then Tickle Me Elmo would probably not be as loyal to Baby Boo as Woody or Buzz Lightyear was to Andy...


(I mean, I'm just WaItIn' for that little laughing fire ball to shout, "ha ha ha...ha ha ha...NOT FUNNY!")

And although it's NOT FUNNY that I drag out probably the greatest thing that you will ever eat in your life...

You should know that at first I wasn't going to share this life changing recipe with you.

For starters, I had just posted a "live a little," recipe, and right after that posted a grass colored smoothie that had carrots in it.

Call me crazy, but I was concerned people were gonna start thinking that all I do is eat chocolate and drink green drinks...

And although that might be right

But then as I watched Baby Boo tickle Elmo to the point of "Shaken Elmo Syndrome," I realized that life is about having fun...

And if I just so happened to post another "live a little" recipe then I knew you would most likely forgive me.

If not?...Then maybe I should introduce you to Baby Boo's friend Elmo.

Tickled Peanut Butter


1 1/2 cups roasted peanuts, unsalted/lightly salted

1/2 cup melted white chocolate

1/2 cup small chopped pretzles

1/4 cup (heaping) finely shredded coconut

1 TB melted coconut oil


You cold probably use pre-made store bought peanut butter. Just use the all natural kind that just includes peanut butter. (no additives like sugar and oil.)


1. In a food processor, add your peanuts, and blend until creamy. (If using store bought PB, just mix all the ingredients together minus the oil.)

2. Scrape down sides, and add oil. Blend.

3. Scrape down sides again, and add melted chocolate.

4. Remove peanut butter from processor and pour into bowl.

5. Stir in pretzels and coconut.

6. Keep in air tight container.

You WILL thank me for this recipe =]

I figured it was best to chop up some greens to dip into this snack...

I soon realized a spoon just did a much better job.

Here is the PB in a little different lighting:

Yup..still life changing.

Stay tuned for tomorrow.

I am going to try and convince you that I have the most amazing life changing recipe for a Quinoa Burger...

Don't believe me on this one.

Ask Elmo...He's tickled about this one!