(The BEST) Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies

So I do this thing where I make cookies for my husband. Being the amazing wife that I am, I always make sure they are healthy and full of good and wholesome ingredients because let's face it...For lunch he probably had a hot dog from 7/11 and that's just sad. I also remember that he's human, so I usually always throw a large helping of chocolate chips to off set the healthy-ness is hopes that he will forget that I made it with whole wheat and focus purely on the fact that I made him cookies and therefore I deserve roses or something like that. Also, that was a super long sentence.



Anyways, most of the time I make these special cookies my husband notices rather (too) quickly that these aren't buttery-sugery cookies that really nice(r) wives make their husbands. So he kindly eats one and well...that's about as far as it goes.

After making dozens of healthier cookies I've learned that I don't have to always sacrifice taste, but texture has somewhat been a problem. Most cookies become more cake like and then after a few days, well they aren't that great. But rest assured, I've eaten every failure without even thinking because...well..let's move on shall we?

So fast forward to these cookies.



When these cookies came out of the oven I was a little hesitant to try them because I was used to so-so tasting cookies, but as soon as I ate one, shared some with Boo, then proceeded to eat like 7 more I KNEW these were a keeper!

I've learned quickly a few things when adapting cookie recipes, and what works and what doesn't. Here are just a few of those things:

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It's amazing how coconut oil can take the sub of butter/margarine in practically any recipe! And if you are worried if it has a coconut flavor, it most definitely doesn't. It takes on a nutty butter flavor, and you MUST put it on toast...or popcorn...or rub it on your legs because that's sexy.

You know what else you MUST do?

Make these cookies...



Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies-Adapted from Picky Palate

Makes 12 cookies


1 1/2 c. whole wheat pastry flour

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 c. coconut oil-solid form

1 c. maple sugar

1/2 c. pumpkin puree

2 TB. molasses

1 egg or flax/chia egg

1 TB. vanilla

1 bag chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together dry ingredients and set aside. In a mixing bowl add coconut oil and sugar and beat for about a minute or so until fluffy. Add in puree, egg, vanilla, and molasses. Beat until combined, then add dry ingredients and mix until incorporated. Fold in chocolate chips.

2. Using a larger ice cream scoop, scoop batter onto prepared cookie sheet. Flatten cookie just a little bit, then bake for 12-13 minutes. Once cookies are done, immediately remove from pan and place on cooling rack.



The second the hubs got home I told him I made some cookies, and the first thing he did was make a 'Yea I am super excited, not really face...' But after his first bite, his face went from lam-o to....



I am now going to end this post like I do many others...
